Rome School

Photo taken March 12, 1903. Courtesy of Lititz Historical Foundation.

Jacob P. Beck and his wife Elizabeth sold 1 acre and 13 perches to the Warwick Township School District for $335. The deed, found in Deed Book M, Volume 13, page 494, is dated July 2, 1874. It was not recorded until Feb. 14, 1891.

When the school was no longer needed for educational purposes, the Warwick Township School District sold the property to John W. Martin for $425. The property is now described as 91 perches being part of the property which was sold to the School District by John and Elizabeth Beck in 1874. This deed is dated March 30, 1918 and was not recorded until March 3, 1930. The other portion of the original tract is not mentioned as to what happened to it.

The property stayed with John W. Martin until May 1991 when he died. It was sold to settle the estate, changing hands seven more times before becoming part of the Front Line Motors Property.




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