The Baumgartner House (1759)


(Present Post Office Site) Matthew Baumgartner (1708-1779) brought his family to Lititz from Donegal in 1758 after a narrow escape from an Indian massacre at Donegal in 1758. Married twice he was the father of thirteen children. His month old son who died shortly after they moved to Lititz had the distinction of being the first burial in the new “God’s Acre” Moravian Cemetery south of Church Square.

Matthew’s house was an exception to the “substantially built” rule of the Moravians as it was log, not stone. It was also built on the least desirable side of Main Street, the south side. Sonin-law, John Peter Lennert (1755-1826) became the next owner. He was a tinsmith and blacksmith. Married twice, he had four children.


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