The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 1, 1886

Rothsville Remnants – The scholars of Prof. Ruth’s school were rewarded with acceptable Christmas gifts.

Not That Kind of Roof –In the Rothsville correspondence to the RECORD last week reference was made to a metallic roof on the Rothsville school house, which is defective and must be replaced. We have since learned that the roof was an old patent sheet iron roof, not a metallic one. Some people are under the impression that it was the same kind of roofing as is sold by our town tinsmith, A.M. Kreider. Far from it. Mr. Kreider sells the patent tin shingle, and he has yet to hear of the first complaint of the excellent and popular-growing roofing of which he has sold so much of.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 22, 1886

Teachers’ District Institute – A teachers’ district institute will be held at this place on Saturday, February 13. The executive committee met on Saturday last to make arrangements for this purpose. The district comprises Manheim, Elizabeth and Warwick townships, with Lititz district included. Teachers will be present from nearly all the schools in these township and the sessions will be open to the public.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 29, 1886

AROUND THE FIRESIDE – Interesting Notes and Comments on Persons, Places and Things. Those of you who attended the public schools fifty years ago will be greatly surprised if you will take time to visit them at present and see the many changes that have taken place and how very differently the scholars are instructed than they were when you were trying to master the three Rs. The studies were few and far between then, and many an hour you sat on your little backless bench swinging your legs to and fro and wondering how much more you would have to learn until you “knew everything.” Your school had no library sequestered in some corner of the room to which you could have access whenever there were any spare moments to be made use of and idle hands to keep from mischief. But the scholars of today have no cause to be idle if they wish to be studious for the lack of studies. Children learn more nowadays and study harder because they have a larger number of studies to wade through than their fathers and mothers had. But with the introduction of every new study there arises hundreds of complaints from parents who seem to think that what was good enough for them ought to just as well for their children. But we are advancing in civilization and science, and children require more studies to successfully cope with the rising generation. So bid welcome to all new useful studies that are introduced into the public schools and lend a hand toward building up libraries for the edification and enlightenment of your offspring.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, February 5, 1886

Personal – Mr. John H. Enck of Lexington, is not able to teach school this week, owing to a sore throat, no doubt quinsy, which is going the rounds at a good many places. The school is closed.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, February 12, 1886

February Facts – We hear of teachers and friends of the public schools from all quarters who will be here on Saturday to attend the district institute. There will be numerous strangers among us, all of whom are truly welcome. The Brunnerville school was sleighing last Tuesday to the Oregon and Summit Level schools. Here they met Buch’s school of near Lititz. At the last-named school a spelling match was held and Brunnerville carried off the prize.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, February 19, 1886

TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE – NINTH DISTRICT – The first Session of the Ninth District Institute, composed of the townships of Warwick, Manheim, Elizabeth and Lititz Independent, opened on Friday evening in the public school building. Prof. Hackman, principal of the Lititz schools, presided, Miss Fobes acting as sccretary.

At 7.45 P.M. the exercises were opened with a song, by a delegation of the Lititz Choral Society, led by Prof. Keeny, Miss Lizzie Kemper presiding at the organ

[Next follows a day by day, listing of discussions, addresses, papers read, essays, a resolution of thanks, lectures, and the following:]

NOTES AND COMMENTS – This was the first meeting of this kind ever held at Lititz, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather and almost impassable condition of the roads, was well attended; however, we think the directors were not as numerous as they might have been. It being primary election day, many of them appeared to take more interest in that gathering than in the public schools.

Physiology was well discussed, yet we saw some teachers puffing away at their cigars, and some darks spots on the floor showed plainly where some chewers sat.

If teachers desire their pupils to sit quiet during the sessions of school, how about teachers when attending District Institute?

As these Institutes are held for the benefit of teachers, why is there not more interchange of sentiment? Why should three or four out of twenty-four teachers do all the talking?

The music furnished by the L.H. orchestra was highly appreciated by all, and it was remarked that it was the best music ever furnished by any Lititz organization.

The proceeds of the evening lecture paid all expenses, and left about five dollars, which will be given to the Moravian Sunday-school. (The evening session on Saturday was held in the Moravian Sunday-school chapel.)


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 26, 1886

Brunnerville Brieflets – J.L. Hertz, teacher of the Brunnerville school, had a lively spelling bee last week. The house was crowded and good order prevailed. The first match ended with the word “deceive,” which the two last in the class were “deceived” in their ideas as to which was right. Although “hygiene” is a new branch of study in our public schools, it seems not to have been over-studied, or else one of the contestants in the second class could have mastered it instead of it mastering him. Addresses were delivered by Messrs. J.H. Enck, J.L. Hertz, D.B. Becker and Miss Lottie Hacker. Vocal music was also a prominent feature of the exercises with organ accompaniment by George L. Keith, a young man who is quite an adept in music of this kind.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, April 16, 1886

Warwick to have a School House – A meeting of the Warwick township school board was held at the Warwick House last Saturday afternoon to hear arguments in favor and against the long asked for school house in the village of Warwick. Numerous persons spoke in favor of it, while one represented those who were opposed. The board found that it was really a necessity to have a new school established and agreed upon granting the request of the Warwick tax payers and patrons. Just where the building will be located is not yet known. Brunnerville Brieflets – Thus far no one has undertaken to teach summer session in our school. This is a good place and a teacher would be well compensated if he undertook it.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, April 30, 1886 –

General Examinations – Prof. M/J. Brecht, County Superintendent of Public Schools, makes the following announcement of examinations and school work to 1886 at the times and places specified below. The examinations will begin at 9 a.m.

[The dates of the scheduled examinations start May 12, and continue through July 2]

June 25, Warwick township , and Lititz, Lititz.

All applicants, before receiving a certificate, will be required to pass an examination in Physiology and Hygiene, as prescribed by law.

SPECIAL TO DIRECTORS – Directors will please give notice of the time and place of examination to those whom they wish to employ, and have the room in proper condition, furnished with crayon, erasers, etc.

The attention of directors is specially called to decision 125, of the School Law, which provides that no one shall be engaged to teach in the public schools who does not hold a legal certificate.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, June 13, 1886

Organization of Warwick School Board – The Warwick township school board organized on the first Monday in June by electing J.H. Phillippi president, H.S. Miller, secretary, and Emanuel R. Shirk, Treasurer. The other directors are Peter Witmer, F.S. Hackman, S.S. Brubaker. A change was made in the salaries to be paid hereafter, as follows: Permanent certificate, $45; normal school and No. 1 professional certificate, $42.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, June 25, 1886

HERE AND THERE – Today (Friday) county Superintendent Brecht will examine applicants for school in Warwick and Lititz districts. The examination will be held in the Lititz public school building, beginning at 9 A.M.

The school board of Warwick township will meet and elect teachers for the coming term to-day.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, July 2, 1886

School Matters – The board of Warwick township elected the following teachers:

  • Buch’s – H.R. Gibble
  • Rome – Hiram P. Fry
  • Martin’s – J.J. Biemesderfer
  • Fairview – Sally R. Miller
  • Lower Rothsville – Miss Sweigart
  • Upper Rothsville – John Ruth
  • Pleasant View – A.N. Stauter
  • Sunnyside – William Ney
  • Millport – Mr. McMullen
  • Lookout – Cyrus Gibble
  • Brunnervile – J.L. Hertz
  • Lexington – John Enck
  • Union – S. Selinda Heiser
  • Huber’s – John Hershey
  • New Warwick – I.K. Huber


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 10, 1886

HERE AND THERE – The Warwick township public schools will open on Monday, 20th inst., and not on the 13th .

Brunnerville Brieflets – The people of Brunnerville are all glad to hear that J. Lincoln Hertz is coming back to teach this school, and say words of praise concerning him in regard to teaching.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 17, 1886

The New School Building – The new Warwick school house is now under roof and shortly will be ready for use. The structure is frame. Considerable fuss and talk was created while in course of erection, chiefly on account of the manner in which orders were given for building it. The windows were entirely too small, in the estimation of most people, and door also was out of proportions compared to similar buildings. Tax payers protested and clamored until finally the directors ordered the windows and door enlarged, which will now give over one hundred square inches more light to the window than at first. “Let there be light,” said the intended patrons, and light on a larger scale is forthcoming.

Record-ings – The country schools open next Monday.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 24, 1886

Brunnerville Brieflets – Mr. J. Lincoln Hertz returned from his trip to the west on Saturday with the intention of teaching this school, but learning that his wages or salary was lowered he resigned. We think it very foolish of the school board to lower a teacher’s salary, especially one who is as highly appreciated in our vicinity as Mr. Hertz. Miss Emma V. Huber of Lititz is now teaching it and we wish her success.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 8, 1886

The County Schools – Superintendent Brecht’s Report – Twenty of the fifty-two districts in the county opened their schools in August. It is doubtful if our schools have ever opened under more favorable auspices than they do this fall. An especially strong corps of teachers, a number of new houses and increase in salary and length of term in a fair proportion of districts; excellent health throughout the county, and the absence of any trace of halfhearted measures among School Boards in the organization and equipment of schools for the ensuing year, are helpful signs of a promising school year.

Ready for Use – The new Warwick school house at the rear of T. Frank Evans’ residence will be ready for opening on Monday next, with Isaac K. Huber as teacher. The building will be heated with a large heater in the cellar. The ventilation is a new idea and said to be superior to the ordinary way of ventilating public buildings.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 15, 1886

Brunnerville Brieflets – County Supt. Brecht made his appearance unawares to most of the scholars and parents on Tuesday. The regular teacher, Miss Huber, not being able to be present on account of toothache, had sent her sister as a substitute and by all appearances the school was not found in first-class condition under the circumstances.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 22, 1886

SHORT AND CRISP – The new school house bell at Warwick does not have a pretty sound.

School Reports – Report of the Brunnerville school for the month ending October 15: Whole number in attendance, males, 25; females 21; total 46. Average attendance, males, 21; females, 20; total 41. Per cent of attendance, males, 95; females, 98; total 97. Number who did not miss a day: males, 12; females, 15, total 27.


Following is the report of the Union school for the month beginning Sept. 20 and ending Oct. 15: No. of pupils enrolled, males 22; females, 19, total, 41. Average attendance of males, 19, females 17, total 36. Percentage of attendance of males 96, females 99; total 97. No. of males present every day 14; females 13, total 27.



The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 5, 1886

The new Warwick school taught by I.K. Huber has 68 pupils, which shows the necessity of the school. Of course there was a falling off at Huber’s school, but look at the convenience afforded the many children.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 12, 1886

Teachers in Session – The thirty-fifty institute of the teachers of Lancaster county began in the Court House on Monday, and will remain in session all week. These annual gatherings increase in size year after year, and the present is the largest ever held in Lancaster. About 600 teachers were enrolled during the dat. The Court House was crowded Monday afternoon, and Superintendent Brecht, president of the organization, called the institute to order. [Here follows a description of the presentations and papers presented on Monday and Tuesday.]

Public School Facts – Last year there were 619 public school teachers in this county; now there are 622. The women teachers last year numbered 324 and the men 285; while now the number of school marms has swollen to 352 while the schoolmasters have decreased to 270.

The significance of these figures is better understood when it is recalled that when the first Institute was held here 108 of the 168 teachers were men. Women are fast supplanting the sterner sex in the school room.

In Bart, Drumore, Fulton and Little Britain all the teachers employed are women. In Providence, Lancaster township and West Earl the professions are easy – 9 women to 9 men.

Dr. Higbee thinks women are better qualified by nature to teach school than men are. – Lancaster Inquirer. Rothsville Remnants – S.F. Garner purchased from A.B. Hackman the property at the lower end and has removed his cigar factory in the old school-house building.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 19, 1886

An All-red Joke – The new Warwick school house, taught by I.K. Huber, has been dubbed the red-headed school house, from the fact that its belfry is painted red. In honor of this appropriate title, invitations containing Mr. Huber’s signature, printed on red paper enclosed in red envelopes, have been sent out, containing the following wording, although we are inclined to think all this red business did not originate in Mr. Huber’s mind:

Integros Haurire Fontes – There will be a meeting at the red-headed school-house, in Warwick, on the evening of Nov. 19, at 7.30 o’clock, to which you are most respectfully invited for consultation upon the practicability of organizing a lyceum, to be held in the Lititz high school building. By order of I.K. HUBER Artium Magister and Knight of G.E.


The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 26, 1886

Local Happenings – J. Lincoln Hertz, of Lexington, has been called to teach the Mt. Pleasant school, in Mt. Joy township. He left last Monday. Isaac R. Herr, the former teacher left on account of a dispute with the directors.

School Reports – Following is the report of the Union school, Warwick township, ending Nov. 19, 1886: Number of males in attendance during the month 23; of females 23; total 46. Percentage of attendance, – males 96; females 95; total 96. Those who were present every day were, Gertie Weaver, Olivia Williams, Hettie W. Clair, Annie K. Brubaker, Cora A. Eckert, Mary E. Schreiner, Mary S. Hershey, Lottie M. Hertz, Carrie V. Hertz, Ella G. Kryder, Cora E. Gants, Clara A. Hertz, Ella Showers, Hallie Clair, Clayton Schreiner, Eddie Markley, Willie Weaver, Elam Brubaker, Harry Hollinger, Nathaniel Hollinger, Wayne A. Gantz, Wilson Enck, Henry Young, Robert Beamesderfer, Walter W. Clair, Monroe Eckert, C. Wayne Enck, Joseph L. Keith, Harvey W. Clair.


Following is the monthly report of Brunnerville school, Warwick township: Number of pupils in attendance, 53; girls 24; boys, 29. Percentage of attendance, 95. Names of those present every day: Calvin Balmer, Winfield Balmer, Levi W. Bucher, Willie Gerhart, Phares Habecker, Willie Hartranft, Harry Hartranft, Lemmon Hartranft, Amos Hershey, Haydn Irvin, Albert Roth, Morris Sheffer, Alvin Eitnier, Levi Eitnier, Lizzie Batram, Ada Bentz, Emma Eberly, Amanda Habecker, Sarah Irvin, Annie Irvin, Ada Kline, Ella Meiley, Kesiah Roth, Ada Sweigert.

EMMA V. HUBER, Teacher.


The Lititz Express, Thursday Morning, December 3, 1886

Lower Rothsville School Report – Following is the monthly report of Lower Rothsville school, Warwick township: Number of pupils in attendance, 58; girls 25; boys 33. Percentage of attendance, 98. Names of those present every day: Joseph Carpenter, William Russell, Henry Loose, Alvin Loose, Clayton Garner, Robert Russell, Horace Deitrich, Lemon Zwalley, Johnnie Adams, Henry Wolf, Jacob Weidler, Harry Dommoyer, Emanuel Mummau, Paris Myers, Ementice Mummau, Wilson Shirk, John Ruhl, David Loose, Henry Adams, Harry Mummau, Anna Garner, Emma Dommoyer, Lizzie Dommoyer, Florence Mummau, Ada Dommoyer, Callie Carpenter, Gertie Brubaker, Bertha Wolf, Sallie Butzer, Cecilia Weidler, Kate Shirk.


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