The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 14, 1877
THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS of Warwick Township will open generally on Monday next. Miss Sallie Bruckart again takes charge of the Warwick School, as last winter; Mr. Hiram P. Fry, as last winter takes the Pine Hill School; John Myers takes the Rome School; Mr.___ Yetter, the New Haven School. (Note: The blank is Lou and should be listed as Miss Louisa Yetter. She chose to use the name Lou.)
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 5, 1877 DISTRICT INSTITUTE – The teachers of Warwick township met Saturday, Sept. 22, in the Rome schoolhouse, for the purpose of organizing a District Institute. The following teachers were present: Misses. Bruckart, Burd and Yetter, and Messrs. Ruth, Statuter, Biemesderfer, Mylin, Myers, Barr, Yetter, Fry H.P., and Fry N.C.
The permanent organization was effected by the election of the following officer, to serve one-half the term:
- President N.C. Fry
- Vice President J.F. Ruth
- Secretary Miss Bruckhart
- Treasurer H.P. Fry
The committee on programme reported, Orthography, Miss Burd; Written Arithmetic, A.N. Stauter; Grammar, J.F. Ruth; Theory of Teaching, Miss Bruckhart; Geography, F.P. Yetter; Reading, Miss Yetter; History and Constitution, N.C. Fry; Vocal Music, J.F. Ruth.
The president appointed as a committee on referred questions, H.P. Fry, Mylin and Biemesderfer. Exercises in spelling and vocal music were had, after which Mr. Ruth gave a very instructive lesson in parsing. After singing a piece of music, the Institute adjourned to meet in two weeks, at the same time and place. All friends of education are invited to attend.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 12, 1877
DISTRICT INSTITUTE –The Institute met in the Rome School-house on Saturday, and was called to order by the president. Several pieces of Music were sung, after which Mr. Barr read a chapter from the Bible. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, and calling of roll. The teacher of orthography being absent, Mr. Miley volunteered to conduct the recitation. The president appointed Mr. Barr to act as teacher of geography. “How should drawing be taught in our schools?” was answered by Mr. Myers. “Your method of teaching an elementary class in numbers?” by Miss Bruckhart, and “Teaching an elementary class in grammar?” by Mr. Ruth
The following questions were referred for next meeting:
- “How can an interest be obtained in criticizing in reading?”
- “What is the exact quota necessary for a representative in Congress?”
The visitors present were Miss Jennie Grosh, Miss Libbie Buch, Mr. H.J. Hostetter (director), J.G. Zook, S.B. Huber, W. Fieles. After singing a piece of music, the Institute adjourned, to meet Saturday, October 27.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 16, 1877
WARWICK DISTRICT INSTITUTE –The fourth meeting of this institute was held at the Rome schoolhouse Nov. 10, and called to order by the president, N.C. Fry, at 8.30 A.M. After the opening exercises, consisting of vocal music by the members and reading part of the xxiii psalm by Miss Bruckhart, the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and approved. The roll was then called. Present, Misses Bruckhart, Burd and Yetter, and Messrs. Fry H.P., Fry N.C., Myers, Ruth, Stauter, Tardy, Barr, Miley and Yetter.
Exercises in orthography, grammar, mathematics and reading were conducted by their respective teachers, Messrs. Biemesderfer, Ruth, Myers, and Miss Yetter, after which the institute adjourned to meet at 12 o’clock M.
The afternoon session was devoted to geography, history, and the theory of teaching; after which followed a very interesting discussion on various topics relating to the theory of teaching, and answering referred questions. The question, “What constitutes a number one teacher?” was referred to Miss Bruckhart. “The explanation of the silver bill now pending in Congress,” was referred to Mr. N.C. Fry.
Regular business being in order, Mr. Myers made a motion that the members be fined a small sum for tardiness, which after considerable discussion was defeated.
The institute was visited by Mr. F.S. Stauter, teacher of the Akron school, who gave some very interesting hints on teaching, which were highly appreciated by those present
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 23, 1877
LITTLE LOCALS -Miss Sallie Bruckhart’s school paid a visit to the Pine Hill school, taught by H.P. Fry, on Tuesday afternoon.
Some of the public schools throughout the township will be closed on Thanksgiving day.