The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 4, 1889
Millport News – The Millport school, taught by Miss Kate M. Leaman, is in a good condition. Teachers and pupils are working harmoniously. The school room is made very attractive. The walls are decorated with brackets, vases, and mottoes. The arrangement shows good taste and makes the visitor feel at home. The number pupils enrolled are 41, average attendance for November 37.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 11, 1889
HAPPENINGS IN MIDWINTER – The Warwick school house, taught by D.W. Dietrich, was broken into by a window on Sunday night. The teacher’s hat was the only article stolen. The district institute of Warwick township and Lititz borough will be held her on Saturday, January 19th .
Facts From Brunnerville – The village school with its sixty-four scholars is closed. Teacher B.U. Martin went home sick before Christmas and after New Year the school was reopened by Geo. L. Keith, who taught nearly a week by order of the school board. County Superintendent Brecht, hearing of the state of affairs, gave Mr. Keith to understand that since he held no certificate the time which he taught would have to be made up by the regular teacher. Upon receiving this information Keith quit. Now just how long it will be until school reopens no one can tell at present.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 18, 1889
Spelling Bee – A spelling bee is to be given in Huber’s school house near Lititz on Saturday evening, January 26. Twenty valuable prizes will be awarded the winners. The exercises will be interspersed with recitations, dialogues, and vocal and instrumental music. An admission fee of 10 cents will be charged, the proceeds to be for the benefit of the school.
Local Institute – As previously announced, the Local Teacher’s Institute of Lititz District will be held in the Lititz district in the Lititz public school building on Saturday of this week. There will be a morning and an afternoon session. In the evening Mrs. J.W. Shoemaker, of the National School of Elocution and Oratory of Philadelphia will give readings and recitations in the Moravian Sunday-school chapel. The exercises will be interspersed with orchestral music. An admission fee of 15 cents will be charged. [This includes Warwick township schools] Millport Matters – The teacher of the Millport school, who was on the sick list, is teaching again.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 25, 1889
TEACHERS’ LOCAL INSTITUTE – What They Did and What They Said at Their Meeting last Saturday. [The article in the paper covers the discussions and presentations that occurred during the day. There was no participant count for the morning session, but the afternoon session, starting at 2 o’clock, had a roll call response of 23 teachers with a good audience from outside the profession filling the room. Not only were the subjects taught and how they were taught addressed, the physical properties of the school rooms as to heat, light and ventilation were discussed. In the evening an entertainment was presented which was appreciated by all.]
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, February 8, 1889
Doings among the Rothsvillers Miss Cora Sweigart is on the sick list and her school is closed.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 8, 1889
A Teacher Resigns – Miss Kate Druckenmiller, of Lancaster, who taught the Lookout school at Pine Hill, sent in her resignation on Friday evening, owing to ill health. Three weeks and two days more would have finished her term. The vacancy will be filled if the directors can find some one.
Facts From Brunnerville – The Brunnerville school will hold an entertainment in the band hall on Friday and Saturday evenings, March 22nd and 23rd. A very interesting programme has been prepared for both evenings, which will consist of dialogues, recitations, tableaux, dramas, vocal and instrumental music. A big time in store. Come and bring your friends along and enjoy two evenings of amusement and instruction.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 22, 1889
Doings Among the Rothsvillers – The public school taught by John F. Ruth closed on Friday of last week
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 29, 1889
An Excellent Affair – The Brunnerville public school, B.U.Martin, teacher, gave entertainments last Friday and Saturday evenings in the public hall in the village. The house was crowded on the latter evening, but good order prevailed. An excellent programme of a varied kind lasting over three hours was rendered in a manner that astonished all present. The scholars, some of whom had to commit a great deal to memory, went through their respective parts with grace and ease. We cannot begin to particularize, but we are not exaggerating when we say that it was one of the best school entertainments given in the county, showing what pupils can be taught to do under proper training, reflecting much credit upon the teacher and pupil. Mr. Martin is deserving of honor for his labors, which we know required much patience, and we understand his services as teacher in the village are so highly appreciated that he will be asked to return to teach the next school session.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, April 5, 1889
EARLY SPRING ACTS – D.W. Dietrich will open a summer school in the Warwick school house on Monday, April 15th . John W. Hershey opened a summer school at Brunnerville on Monday with 20 scholars.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, April 26, 1889
The Teachers’ Ordeal – County Supt. J.M. Brecht has issued a circular announcing where he will examine applicants for public schools, among which are the following for this section. The examinations always begin at 9 A.M.:
- May 8, East Cocalico township and Adamstown borough, Reamstown.
- May 9, Brecknock township, Bowmansville.
- May 10, West Cocalico township, Schoeneck.
- May 17, Penn township and Manheim Borough, Manheim.
- May 29, Rapho township, Sporting Hill.
- June 12, Manheim township, Neffsville.
- June 13, Warwick township and Lititz borough, Lititz
- June 24, Elizabeth township, Brickerville.
- June 25, Clay township, Clay.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, May 3, 1889
Pepper and Salt – Brunnerville wants a new school building. It should have it. If the reasons presented by the patrons are not strong enough, then there is no use saying anything more. The school board will either have to comply with the people’s request or run the risk of being the cause of the loss of life and maiming a lot of innocent children. Which will it choose?
Want a New School House – The citizens of Brunnerville want a new school house. The need of it has long felt, but no one seemed to be willing to take the matter in hands until recently. The RECORD as long as seven years ago told the school directors of Warwick township that better school accommodations were necessary there on account of the many children who were being huddled together in a building that should have been twice as large. This is not the only reason why the patrons and taxpayer insist upon having a new school building, as the petition drawn up and now being circulated for signers will show. Everybody should and no doubt everybody in the neighborhood will be found willing to sign the petition which reads as follows:
We the undersigned citizens, tax payers and patrons of the Brunnerville school, in said township, hereby remonstrate against teaching another term of school in the Brunnerville school house for the following reasons:
- The building is entirely too dangerous to be open for the reception of children, any day ready to crumble down and destroy the lives of innocent children.
- The building is entirely too small for the proper accommodation of all the children gathering from the village.
- The play grounds are entirely too small for the accommodation of the children, oftimes occupying the public highway for outdoor exercises. We therefore pray your honorable body to accommodate the village with a suitable new school building before the opening of the next school term.
A resident of the village of Brunnerville informed the RECORD that the school building is now supported by props, otherwise it would not now be standing. The roof too is leaky and the building becomes soaked during the wet spells. The school board can scarcely turn a deaf ear to the demands of the public under these circumstances.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, May 10, 1889
Facts From Brunnerville – Everybody in this vicinity favors the building of a new school house for the village. They all see the necessity and since it must be done before long anyhow, they think now is the accepted time, before some one gets injured in case it tumbles down.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, May 31, 1889
Facts From Brunnerville – It is the general desire of patrons that B.U. Martin be reappointed teacher of the village school. He will accept if the position is tendered him.
Bits and Pieces – A petition is being circulated for signers asking the Warwick township school board to erect another school house in the village of Warwick, as there are about seventy scholars in attendance for the one school, which is entirely too large a number for one teacher.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, June 21, 1889
Teachers Appointed The following are the appointments for Warwick township.
- Buch’s: H.R. Gibble Fairview A. Yoder
- Martin’s: J.J. Biemesderfer
- Rome: Lizzie R. Gibbel
- Warwick: No. 1 J.B. Haag
- Warwick: No. 2 D.W. Dietrich
- Lexington: C.G.F. Miller
- Union: J.H. Enck
- Lookout: C.R. Gibbel
- Lower Rothsville: Cora Sweigart
- Upper Rothsville: J.F. Ruth
- Pleasant View: A.N. Stauter
- Millport: Wallace Zook
- Sunnyside: Chas. W. Snyder
- Brunnerville: B.U. Martin
- Huber’s: J.W.G. Hershey
The Warwick School Board has decided to erect another school building at Warwick alongside the one erected a few years ago. They also purchased about one fourth of an acre of ground adjoining the Brunnerville school ground on which to erect a new school building. The price agreed upon is at the rate of $750 per acre
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, July 19, 1889
July Jottings – The old Brunnerville school house will be sold at Public sale on the premises on Thursday of next week. See advertisement for particulars.
Contract Awarded – Sealed proposals for the building of two school houses – one at Warwick and one at Brunnerville – were opened by the Warwick township school Board on Saturday. The bids were as follows: Seaber & Grube, $2,463; J. Sturgis & Son, $2,433; Samuel Habecker & Son, $2,226. The contract was awarded to Habecker, who transferred the contract to his security.
July Jottings – The Warwick township school board expects to erect its two new school houses and make a saving not only of over three hundred dollars compared to the last one erected, but also use better lumber and better hardware.
PUBLIC SALE – On Thursday, July 25, 1889, WILL BE sold at public sale on the premises, in the village of Brunnerville, Warwick township, the BRUNNERVILLE SCHOOL BUILDING, a brick structure.
The building will have to be removed from the ground by the purchaser. Sale to commence at 6 o’clock P.M. of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by committee of WARWICK TWP. SCHOOL BOARD
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, August 2, 1889
RAINY WEATHER HAPPENINGS – The Brunnerville public school building, advertised to be sold at public sale last Thursday, was not sold.
The Lititz Express, Friday, August 31, 1889
Educational – The Warwick township schools open on September 16th .
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 6, 1889
Facts From Brunnerville – The new Brunnerville school house is up and in the hands of the plasterers. It makes a good appearance.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 13, 1889
September Siftings – A citizen of Brunnerville, while inspecting the upper part of the new school house, accidentally came down on the ceiling with one of his feet, resulting in a hole through the plastering. Had he gone entirely through it with his body we no doubt would have had the painful task of announcing a serious accident.
Notice to Teachers – All the public school teachers of Lititz district, Warwick, Elizabeth and Manheim townships will meet in the High school building at Lititz on Saturday, September 14, at 4 P.M., for the purpose of organizing for the local institute to be held here on 4th of November. All are earnestly requested to be present.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 11, 1889
Facts From Brunnerville – The new village school house was taken possession of by the teacher and scholars on Monday morning.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 15, 1889
Teachers Institute – The thirty-eighth annual session of the Lancaster County Teachers’ Institute opened for the week in the court house at Lancaster on Monday morning. Six hundred and eight teachers answered the roll call, after which M.J. Brecht was elected president.
The list of instructors for the week includes the following: Dr. E.O. Lyte, physchology (sic); Dr. Thomas M. Baillet, reading and principles of education; Prof. S.B. Heiges, language and school management; Miss Mathilde Coffin, drawing and form study;, Dr. R.K. Buehrle, history; Dr. A.E. Maltby, physiology; Prof. George C. Young, Music.
Addresses are announced by Governor James A. Beaver, Dr. E.E. Higbee, Dr. J.P. Wickersham, Dr. B.F. Shaub and Prof. S.H. Hoffman.
The institute was divided into two sections on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday forenoons. Lectures are delivered each evening by popular speakers from aboard, which thus far have been entertaining and instructive.
The exhibition of work by pupils is given in Eshleman’s hall, where the Lititz schools show a fine display.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 22, 1889 Teachers’ District Institute – The fifth annual session of the teachers’ institute of Warwick, Elizabeth, and Manheim townships and Lititz borough will in the Lititz public school building on Saturday, November 3 (29th) morning and afternoon; in the evening there will be a lecture by Samuel A. Bear, Ph.D. of Reading; subject, “What’s the difference.” The exercises during the day are free to all.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 29, 1889
LOCAL TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE – Animated Discussions and Interesting Exercises
The fifth annual local institute of this district convened here last Saturday morning. It was opened at 8.30 A.M. with devotional exercises, which were led by Rev. C.L. Moench. Immediately thereafter, the president of the assembly, Mr. A.E. Gehman, made his remarks. They were well founded and proved a fitting opening for the occasion.
[Recitations, addresses, song filled the balance of the morning session. At 2 P.M. the afternoon session were opened with callisthenic songs performed by the Primary Schools. Discussions, songs performed by the pupils, recitations with an address by the County Superintendent of schools, M.J. Brecht bringing the afternoon session to a close.]
The names of teachers present were then enrolled, and each pledged himself to pay the small fee of twenty-five cents toward the defraying of current expenses of the institute.
[The evening session was held in the Moravian Sunday-school chapel at 7.45 P.M. and included musical performances by the teachers and an address by Mr. S.L. Baer, PhD, superintendent of public instruction in Reading.]