The Gold Leaf Circle Planned Giving

Since the founding of the Lititz Public Library in 1936, a tradition of generous giving has enabled the Library to serve our community by Nourishing the Mind,

Enriching the Community and Connecting to the World. Many caring and thoughtful individuals were present at the creating of the Library .  The gifts of their spirit  and substance first brought the Library into existence.

In the eight decades since the Library’s creation, many individuals have followed their example by giving generously, by including the Library in their will and estate plans, or by making life income gifts to the Library .  We invite you to join their company by including the Lititz Public Library in your estate plan and providing a legacy for the Library’s financial future.


Who are we?

The Gold Leaf Circle is a special organization of friends who embrace the Lititz Public Library’s mission and work by naming the library in their personal financial and estate plans.

There are many ways to include the Lititz Public Library in your will or trust. Because this is such an important step, we encourage you to work with an attorney, tax advisor or estate planning professional on a plan to meet your needs.

If you prefer, the Lititz Public Library has a relationship with BB&T Retirement and Institutional Services. Our relationship management consultant, Diane Goad, is available to answer questions about planned giving opportunities. She can be reached at (484) 881-4074.

If we can provide you with additional information to help you with your planning and charitable objectives, we invite you to contact:

Library Director
(717) 626-2255 x-225

Options for Planned Giving

Cash Gifts

Cash gifts to The Gold Leaf Circle begin at $1,000. These funds support collection purchases and essential operating costs. A cash contribution is simple and provides direct tax benefits.

If you wish to make a bequest to the library, we suggest the following wording:

I give to the Lititz Public Library located at 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz, PA 17543, the sum of $_____ [or an amount equal to ___% of the total value of the assets of my (trust) estate], to be used solely and exclusively for the benefit of the Lititz Public Library, a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation (EIN 23-6406263).



Gifts of appreciated assets, held long-term, have substantial tax benefits.


Life Insurance

The Lititz Public Library may be named as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Complete a new beneficiary designation form and return it to the financial institution.


Real Estate

A gift of real estate may include the entire property or an interest in the property. A Retained Life Estate allows you/your spouse to reside there until death.


Retirement Plans Assets

Contributing the balance of a retirement account is a generous and convenient way to make a gift and may improve overall tax consequences, increase amounts passing to heirs and reduce income/estate taxes.



Gift annuities and deferred annuities provide you and/or your designee fixed cash payments. Details are available from financial planning professionals.



Charitable remainder trusts provide income for a specific period of time with the remaining assets going to the Lititz Public Library. Lead trusts provide income to the library for a fixed term of the life of an individual with remaining assets returned to you or another beneficiary. Details are available from financial planning professionals.


CLICK HERE for the donation form


The Lititz Public Library is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization (EIN 23-6406263). All donations are tax deductible, in full or in part, according to the laws of the Internal Revenue Service. Please contact your personal tax advisor regarding specific questions about your donation

Thank you for considering a gift that will extend beyond your lifetime and support the future of the Lititz Public Library.