ALLEN, The Journal of Isaac Allen, 1804-1805, Northern Journey on Horseback
BACHMAN, A History of Bachmans of Lititz, PA Pauline Bachmann Mann, 1981
BATDORF, Some Early records on the Batdorf Family Arthur Badorf (Photo Copy)
BECKER, Descendants of Valentine and Christina Becker of Warwick Township, Lancaster County, PA George W. Andrews
BECKER, The Becker Family and their Desdendents Leah Becker, 1901
BIEMESDERFERS, DIEHMS, WEBERS: Permanent Residents of Penryn, PA Marian L. Mosser,
George Biemesderfer, Terry R. Williams & Herbert Weber Yeagley, January 2002
BOMBERGER, Christian Bomberger, Pioneer – Address delivered at 1st Annual Reunion, 8/19/1922
BOMBERGER, Lancaster County Roots, 1722-1986 Lloyd Huber Bomberger, 1986
BRUBACHER, The Brubacher Genealogy in America Jacob N. Brubacher, 1881 (photo copy)
BRUBAKER, History and Genealogy of the Brubaker, Brubacher, Brewbaker Family in American,
Vol(2 copies) and Vol. 1 index (1 copy)
Phares Brubaker Gibble, 1951
BRUMBACH, David Brumbach; Talent, Paper and Paint by Robert LeMin, Jr.; Science Press, 1992
BUCHER, Descendants of Hans Martin and Elizabeth Bomberger Bucher: Compiled by Glenn B. Knight, 2013
BURKHOLDER, Family Record of Christian Burkholder, 1746-1990. Paul Z. Burkholder, 1990
CASSEL, We Called Him Papa, Life of Elder Charles D. Cassel & Family Amos H. Cassel, 2002
CROLL-GRIESS, Golden Wedding Souvenir, Fifty Years, 1880-1930, Philip C. Croll & Sarah A. Greiss Croll, 1929
Some Descendants of Jonas Doll and Susan Chance of York County, Pennsylvania;
Some Descendants of Emanuel Herr and Maudlin Brackbill of Switzerland;
Some Descendents of Welti Gut and Vrena Haberling of Switzerland; Compiled
By Marie Mease Gauron, Hudson, NH, 2011
DOSTER, The Doster Genealogy Mrs. Ben Doster & Wadsworth Doster, 1945
EBERLY, A History of the Heinrich Eberly Family and their Descendants, 9/5/1927 Pamphlets 1 & 2
EBY, Eby Family History Ezra E. Eby, 1889
ERB, Erb Family History, 1679-1961 Gladys Eva Gurnery Lichtenwalter, 1961
FIDDLER, Descendants and History of Benjamin Fiddler & Maria Fosbrook Fiddler –
Family History and Genealogy, 1838-1987 (revised 1989)
FISHER, Descendants and History of Christian Fisher, 1757-1838, 3rd Edition, 1988
FORNEY, Sketches and Genealogy of the Forney Family from Lancaster Co.,
PA in part, John K. Forney, Abilene, Kansas, 1926
GIBBLE, The Descendants of Henry Gibbel Ira W. Gibbel, 1995
GOODYEAR/GUTJAHR, The Goodyear Family: The Descendants of Johann Christian Gutjahr & Margaretha Rosener,
Ralph W. Donnelly & Sarah E. Rivoir, 1985
HAGY, Abraham D. Heagy & Marietta M. Godshall, Franconia Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, Glenn Hagey Landis, 2003
HEINECKE, Genealogy of Adam Heinecke and Henry & Elisabeth Vandersal, Rev. Samuel Heinecke, 1869
HERR, Genealogical Record of Rev. Hans Herr and his Direct Lineal Descendants, Theodore W. Herr, 1908 (reprint 1980)
HERSHEY, Esther’s Family: The Hershey’s of Lancaster County, compiled by Margaret Lehman, May 2003.
HERSHEY, Hershey Family History Henry Hershey, 1929
HESS, A Family Record of the Hess Family John Hess, 1880 (reprint
HESS, Hess Roots, Continuing Generations, John R. Hess, 1828-1897, Paul Ervin Roupp, 1980
HILLER, The Diaries of Peter C. Hiller of Conestoga, Pa., 1875-1898, Pauline B. Eshleman, 1994 (2 copies)
HOLSINGER, Holsinger Family History, Paul G. Holsinger, 1959
HUBER, The Huber Hoover Family History, Harry M. Hoover, 1928 (reprint 1992)
with index by Jerry Lynn Burkett, 1992
HUBER, The Huber-Hoover Family History, Harry M. Hoover, 1928
HUBER, The Huber-Hoover Family History, Harry M. Hoover, 1928 (photo-copy)
in binder with Huber related non-Wenger Progeny from Wenger Family History.
KOEHLER, The Koehler Family Heritage Book, This, rather than a family genealogy,
is a ‘how to’ book that includes a long list of persons with the family name of Koehler.
Published in 1981 by Beatrice Bayley, Inc.
K_HLER/KOEHLER, Descendants of Friederich and Catherina K_hler;
Compiled by Glenn B. Knight, 2013
KOLB, KULP, CULP, A Genealogical History of the Kolb, Kulp, Culp Family
and it’s Branches in America Daniel Kolb Cassel, 1895 (reprint 1990, Glenn H. Landis)
Separate index by Melva (Schwarts) Taylor
LANDIS, The Landis Family Book, Section IV, Ira D. Landis, Aug. 1954.
LONGENECKER/BENDER, A Portrait of a Lancaster County Mennonite Family,
“Pitchforks and Pitchpipes” 44 First Cousins of Lavina Royer Bendre & Christian Garber Longenecker.
Original Immigrant – Uriah Longenecker, Esther Mae Longenecker Hiestand, 1990.
MILLER, The David and Anna Miller Story,
The Story of an Orphan boy David Miller, and his foster Sister,
Anna Brenneman, who married and had 14 children,
Arlene Nuss, Jan. 1979.
MOSEMAN, Moseman Family Directory,
The Descendants of Jacob & Magdalena Frey Moseman,
John & Ruth H. Moseman, 1987
MUSSER/WEBER, Genealogy of John & Susanna (Weber) Musser Family
PINKERTON, David, Sr. First Pinkerton Found in Lancaster Co.,
PA and Some of his Descendants,
including those of Hugh Pinkerton of Dauphin Co. R. Bruce Pinkerton, PhD, Aug. 1993.
REIST, Family history of Jacob B. Reist, Mrs. Mary R. Rohrer & Mrs. Roy E. Sauder, 1979.
RISSER, Our Risser Family, compiled by R. Bruce Pinkerton, July 2002.
RISSLER, Rissler Family History, 1851 or 52 – 1974,
Compiled by Elsie (Rissler) Bowman and Mahlon Rissler, 1977
SPANGENBERG, SPANGENBURG, Our Spangenberg/Spangenburg Heritage.
Oren E. Spangenburg & Robert M. Spangenburg, 1993.
STAUFFER, The Stauffer History, Amos K. Stauffer, 1945.
Also included in this notebook is “60 Years of Stauffer Immigrants”.
Photocopy from 1993 Mennonite Heritage.
ULRICH, The Descendants of Jacob & Susan Ulrich, 1817-1981,
with typed index in 3 or the 4 copies plus a 1988 supplement.
WANNERS, An Early Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Mennonite Family, Irma Hess Stoltzfus, 1992.
WEAVER, The Descendants of William Weaver of Manheim Township, Lancaster County, PA, Version 2.0, Marie Mease Gauron, Jan. 2004.
WENGER, The Mem from Wengen and America’s Agony, The Wenger-Winger-Wanger History, John Fetzer, 1971.
YEAGLEY, The Yeagleys of Penryn, 1998.
ZARTMAN, The Zartman Family, Rufus Calvin Zartman, 1909.
ZIMMERMAN, Zimmerman Family History, 1720-1988, A Branch of the Ximmerman Offspring of Glause Zimmerman in Europe and his Children who came from Europe. Records of 12 generations. 2nd Edition, compiled by Ezra & Maria Zimmerman, 1988.