The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, February 28, 1890
Facts from Brunnerville – Every one should patronize the Brunnerville public school entertainment to be given in the band hall on the 14th and 15th of March. No pains will be spared to make the programme an interesting one, and the best of the kind every given in this section.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 14, 1890
A Fine Entertainment – The pupils of the Brunnerville public school will give an entertainment on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week in the band hall. We distinctly remember the very excellent entertainment given under the auspices of the same school a year ago, when they had packed houses. The teacher, Mr. B.U. Martin, is an expert in getting up affairs of this kind, as was attested a year ago, and we bespeak for him and his pupils the same success as that of previous occasions.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 21, 1890
A Sad Misfortune – Last Saturday evening during the midst of the proceedings of the Brunnerville school entertainment the teacher, Mr. B.U. Martin, overexerted himself in fulfilling the programme and had hemorrhage of the lungs from which he bled to such an extent that the exercises were brought to an abrupt ending, much to the sorrow of the large audience present. We hope Mr. Martin may soon recover and that the exercises may be repeated, as has been requested.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 28, 1890
Facts From Brunnerville – Henry Lutz of Lititz intends opening a summer school here next week if he receives sufficient encouragement.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, May 9, 1890
Teachers’ Examinations – The examinations of applicants for schools in this section of Lancaster county will be held at the times and places given below. The examinations will begin at nine a.m.
- May 26, Mt. Joy Twp. and Mt. Joy Bor. – Mt. Joy.
May 27, Rapho, Penn twp. and Manheim bor. – Manheim. - May 28, Clay twp. – Clay.
- May 31, Ephrata twp. – Ephrata.
- June 5, East Cocalico twp. and Adamstown bor. – Reamstown.
- June 6, Brecknock twp. – Bowmansville.
- June 7, Elizabeth twp. – Brickerville.
- June 20, Warwick twp. and Lititz – Lititz.
- June 23, Manheim twp. – Neffsville.
- June 24, West Cocalico twp. – Schoeneck.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, June 20, 1890
LATEST LOCAL NEWS – To-day (Friday) the teachers of Lititz and Warwick will pass through the ordeal of solving and answering knotty questions to be propounded by Supt. Brecht. Keep cool and do not become excited and you will be safe.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, June 27, 1890
EDUCATIONAL MATTERS – Teachers’ Examination and Appointments – County Superintendent Brecht examined a large class of applicants for schools in the Lititz school building on Friday last. Seven failed in securing certificates and others just about squeezed through with little to feel good upon. Prof. Brecht seemed quite disgusted with the class, some of them being unable to answer some of the simplest questions, such that most any ten-year old pupil could answer without hesitation. “Who is the present post master general?” Who is the speaker of the House of Congress?” “What is the government doing this year that it does not do every year?” and many more question of the above simple kind perplexed young men and women who are supposed to be educated to teach our children. We dare say that these teachers seldom see a newspaper, and would suggest that the school boards of the country subscribe for daily newspapers in order that these teachers become posted on the topics of the day. It is a shame and disgrace indeed to have the news go out to the world that Lancaster county has such ignorant school teachers and want-to-be- teachers.
[The categories of the questions were “Theory of Teaching”, “Orthography” :Physiology”, “Arithmetic” “Geography” and “United States History]
WARWICK TEACHERS – The Warwick township school board met at the Warwick school house Friday and made the following appointments:
- Buch’s – J.J. Biemesderfer,
- Martin’s – A. Yoder,
- Rome – H.R. Gibble,
- Warwick No. 1 – J.B. Haag,
- No. 2 – D.W. Dietrich,
- Huber’s – J.W.G. Hershey,
- Upper Rothsville – J.F. Ruth,
- Lower Rothsville – H.C. Mohn,
- Pleasant View – A.N. Stauter,
- Millport – Walter Stauffer,
- Sunnyside – Wallace Zug,
- Fairview – May Breneman,
- Lexington – Henry H. Bertolet,
- Union – J.H. Enck,
- Brunnerville – Charles W. Snyder,
- Lookout – Cyrus Gibble.
The Lititz Record, July 4, 1890
THE WARWICK SCHOOLS – What the Directors Have to Say and a Report of the Past Year’s Work – The school board of Warwick township, thinking that it would be satisfactory to the tax payers to publish a full report of the schools for the past year, have in furtherance of this object prepared the annexed tables. These have been made at an outlay of considerable time and work, and in return ask a careful perusal of the same. With the aid of the corps of teachers employed, the directors feel that in most instances there has been a marked improvement in the school work; but they very much lament the lack of interest taken in the schools by the patrons. They neglect visiting the schools when an occasional hour spent in them would so much encourage the pupils and teachers, thus helping the children to get the full advantage of the money spent for school purposes. The directors also most earnestly press upon the parents the necessity of a regular attendance, and requiring evening study among their children. By doing this they will soon see the marked improvement in their pupils. They would also ask that in as far as possible, they speak English to their children, for where they are brought up in the German language, it becomes their mother tongue, and when they go to school, they must learn their lessons in what to them is a foreign language. As long as our business of all kinds, public and private, is conducted in the English language, it should be the first to be acquired.
REPORT OF 1889-1890
Number of schools 16
Number of months taught 6
Number of male teachers 13
Number of female teachers 3
Average salary to teacher $40.00
Male pupils 429
Female pupils 328
Average number attending 586
Tax levied for school purpose 1¼ mills
Tax levied for building purpose ¾ mills
State appropriations $1,030.79
Tax collected $5,048.18
Cost of school-houses, ground and furniture $2,672.09
Cost per month of each pupil $ .80¼
Largest monthly attendance
Warwick Primary 54
Warwick Secondary 38
Huber’s 35
Lexington 48
Union 48
Brunnerville 64
Lookout 57
Rome 36
Upper Rothsville 48
Lower Rothsville 57
Pleasant View 47
Millport 41
Sunnyside 54
Martin’s 34
Fairview 54
Buch’s 34
Largest monthly attendance
Warwick Primary 51
Warwick Secondary 30
Huber’s 32
Lexington 38
Union 44
Brunnerville 55
Lookout 50
Rome 34
Upper Rothsville 41
Lower Rothsville 49
Pleasant View 41
Millport 37
Sunnyside 43
Martin’s 28
Fairview 49
Buch’s 31
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 19, 1890
School Directors’ Institute – County Superintendent M.J. Brecht has issued the following call for a school directors Institute.
DEAR SIR: The Directors Institute in session last October passed a resolution instructing the County Superintendent to issue a call and prepare a general program for a similar meeting to be held at the same place in October ’90. In pursuance of that order arrangements have been made to hold the Annual Directors’ Institute in the Court House, at Lancaster, on Thursday, the 2d day of October next. The sessions will open at 9 A.M. and 2 P.M. respectively.
A GIST OF ITEMS – Next Monday all the schools in Warwick township will open. Some of the adjoining townships [opened] last Monday.
The teachers of this locality are requested to meet in the Lititz High school room on Saturday at 2 P.M. for the purpose of organizing a local institute.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 26, 1890
Lititz District Institute – The district institute, comprising Lititz borough, Warwick, Manheim, and Elizabeth townships will be held in the Lititz high school building, on Saturday, November 1.
Officers, J.G. Haag, president; Miss Mary Hartman and Mr. Henry R. Gibble, vice-presidents; Miss Lottie Hacker, recording secretary; Miss Alice Stormfeltz, corresponding secretary; Absalom Yoder, treasurer.The officers and Messrs. A.E. Gehman, J.W.G. Hershey and A.N. Stauter constitute the executive committee.
ROTHSVILLE ITEMS – (From our Correspondent) – Our three schools show an enrollment of 128 pupils for the first day – the “babies” included.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 24, 1890
Teachers County Institute – The 38th Lancaster County Teachers’ institute will convene in the court house on Monday, November 10, and an excellent programme has been arranged. [The balance of the article outlines which subjects will be covered and by whom. Included will be a memorial session on Friday afternoon as a tribute to Rev. E.E. Higbee.]
Teachers’ District Institute – The 6th annual session of the Teacher’s District Institute, including Lititz Borough, Warwick, Elizabeth and Manheim townships will be held in the High school building at the former place, on Saturday, Nov. 1, 1890. The program includes the discussion of various topics calculated to awaken an interest among friends of education and also several addresses by several educational leaders, including County Superintendent Brecht. The exercises will be interspersed with music. Teachers, directors and friends of education are invited to be present. Prof. J.G. Haag is president, and Miss Alice Stormfeltz, corresponding secretary.
Brunnerville School Report – Following is the first month’s report of the Brunnerville public school, taught by C.W. Snyder:
Number of pupils on roll 49; average attendance during month 32; per cent. of attendance during month 98.
Visitors – Director R.F. Hackman.
Pupils not missing one day as follows: [There is a list of 29 pupils who attended school every day. Perhaps this was a way the teacher was trying to encourage consistent attendance by the pupils.]
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 14, 1890
Teachers’ County Institute – The thirty-ninth annual teachers’ institute is in session in the court house at Lancaster all of this week. There are in Lancaster county 54 school districts, which contain 360 school directors, 633 public schools and 651 teachers. Of the latter, 369 are women and 292 are men, the females outnumbering the males by 77. Of the teachers at the last institute, 153 are not now teaching in this county. Some have joined the great majority, others are following their profession elsewhere, quite a number are taking special courses at various schools and colleges, some have chosen new vocations, and at least 116 of our school mistresses of last year are now married. Of course so large an institution as the public school system of our great county costs a large amount of money to maintain. The school tax levied for the current year amounts to nearly two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, while the state appropriation reaches almost sixty thousand. On the first of June last, only thirteen of our districts were in debt, while twenty five had a surplus on hand.
The number of teachers enrolled at noon on Monday was 603 and 134 others, making the total 737, the largest number ever enrolled on the first day.
Eshleman’s Hall contains the arranged display of the excellent product of the real work of our schools. All the space is filled and most artistically placed. The exhibits of other years were good, but the present far exceeds anything of the past.
Pleasant View school, in Warwick, had an elegant display of lace and needle work and fine productions of language lessons on paper.
Lititz displays different kinds of wood and woodwork, needle and lace and clay modeling and a large collection of well-drawn pictures.
Ephrata excels in its fine paintings, fancy needlework and original composition. A painting of Melrose Abbey, by one of Mr. Klinger’s pupils, attracts much attention
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 28, 1890
The Warwick township School Board will meet at the Warwick House on Saturday afternoon, November 29. This will be the last occasion you can pay your SCHOOL TAX and make the five per cent. dividend.
Facts from Brunnerville – The Brunnerville school has finished its second month with fifty-eight scholars on roll. Average attendance during month 52. Per cent. of attendance during month 95. Scholars who have not missed a day: [35 names are listed] Visitors during month: Miss Nettie S. Curly, Mr. Samuel Hallagher, Miss Lottie Hertz.
A good turnout is expected at the Brunnerville school house on Friday night for the organization of a lyceum.