The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, February 20, 1891
PAPER BULLET BATTLE – Last Tuesday’s Election – In Warwick the main issue was whether to continue in the old custom of having six months’ school or increase it to seven. The old system was voted for by a big majority, as the figures below will show. West Warwick district voted 157 for six months and 74 for seven months school. East Warwick district voted 165 for six months school and 55 for seven months school (322 for six months and 129 for seven months)
February Flips – Now, since the township voted down the seven months’ school proposition, some of the Warwickers would like to be annexed to Lititz borough. [Lititz has a seven month school term.]
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 20, 1891
HERE AND THERE – J.B. Haag’s Warwick school closes to-day and he will at once return to his home in Berks county. Mr. Haag is a popular teacher, and while here made many friends.
HERE AND THERE – The schools are drawing to a close fast. Let some of our teachers try and raise a subscription school. Many of our children that are on the streets during the summer should by all means be engaged in school. A little energy on the part of the parents and the aid of a teacher, a school of twenty scholars can be gathered and so many boys and girls kept from running on the streets, and thereby showing that we have the welfare of our children at heart.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 27, 1891
HERE AND THERE – The Warwick school board met on Saturday last and paid off the teachers for the month of March, most of them having finished their terms last week.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, April 3, 1891
A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING – George Studenroth opened a subscription school at Brunnerville.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, May 1, 1891
Teachers Examinations – Superintendent Brecht announces that applicants for school in Lancaster county will be examined at the times below. The examinations will begin at 9 a.m. [local areas extracted from very long article.]
- FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS ONLY May 4, For Districts North, Warwick.
- May 15, Elizabeth township, Brickerville.
- May 16, Clay township, Clay.
- May 22, Penn township and Manheim Borough, Manheim.
- June 10, Warwick township and Lititz, Lititz.
- June 16, Manheim township, Neffsville.
- June 23, Rapho township, Sporting Hill.
- The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, June 12, 1891
Teachers’ Examination. – County Superintendent Brecht held teachers’ examination for Lititz and Warwick at this place Wednesday. There were eleven in the class, of which ten passed a creditable examination. Among them was a young lady from Schuykill county. The number of spectators was small.
School Boards’ Doings – The Warwick schoolboard met at the Warwick House and organized by electing Emanuel Shirk president, H.S. Miller secretary, and N.B. Leaman treasurer. The tax rate was reduced from 2 mills to 1 8-10 mills, or ten per cent. less than last year.
The following teachers were elected for the ensuing term:
- Buch’s, J.J. Biemesderfer
- Rome, Lizzie R. Gibble
- Fairview, Nathan Reist
- Martin’s, May Breneman
- Warwick No. 1, James Buchanan Haag
- Warwick No. 2, D.W. Dietrich
- Lexington, Mary Barr
- Union, J.H. Enck
- Brunnerville, H.R. Gibble
- Lookout, C.R. Gibble
- Sunnyside, vacant
- Millport, Walter Stauffer
- Pleasant View, A.N. Stauter
- Lower Rothsville, H.C. Mohn
- Upper Rothsville, J.F. Ruth,
- Hubers, J.W.G. Hershey
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, July 31, 1891
LOCAL LACONICS – The Lexington school house has been newly roofed and other repairs made to the building.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 18, 1891
TOWN AND COUNTRY – The public schools of Warwick and many other townships will open next Monday.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, Sepember 25, 1891
Brunnerville News – The village school opened on Monday with forty pupils, Henry R. Gibbel, teacher.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 23, 1891
The Teachers’ Institute – The fortieth annual session of the teachers’ institute of this county will convene in the court house, at Lancaster, on Monday, November 9. Addresses will be delivered by State Superintendent Waller, Congressman Brosius, Prof. R.K. Buehrle and Prof. S.H. Hovvman. A Wickersham memorial session will be held on Friday afternoon. The instructors will be D. R. Oram Lyte, on pedagogy; Dr. A.E. Winship, on Psychology; Prof. R.G. Boone, on theory on education; Prof. L.I. Handy, on history; Prof. J.T.Gaines on arithmetic; Mrs. Ella B. Greene, physiology; Prof. Carl Matz, music.
The institute will be divided into two sections on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday forenoons, respectively.
There will be no exhibit of school work this year. It has become too large to be held in the halls, and no other place of sufficient capacity could be secured.
The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, October 30, 1891
Doings Among the Rothsvillers – The seventh annual teachers’ district institute of Lititz borough, Warwick, Elizabeth and Manheim will be held in the High school building at this place on Saturday.
[The tentative program follows which includes devotions, Opening Remarks, discussions, recitations, music, addresses, and what is called Question Box]
A cordial invitation is extended to teachers, directors, patrons and friends of education to be present and participate in the exercises. All questions open for discussion.
The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, November 6, 1891
TEACHERS’ DISTRICT INSTITUTE – Two Interesting Sessions, But Many Teachers Absent
The seventh annual session of the teacher’s institute, including Lititz borough, Warwick, Elizabeth and Manheim townships was held on Saturday, October 21st, in the High School building at this place.
The officers and members of the executive committee were the following: President, J.B. Haag; vice-presidents, Charles McMullen and I.W. Heagy; recording secretary, Jean B. Gardner; corresponding secretary, Mary Barr; treasurer, H.R. Gibbel; A.E. Gehman, Kate A. Wales, Alice C. Wheeler. Of the forty five teachers in this district, only twenty-four attended the institute. [8 teachers from Lititz who were all there, 11 fromWarwick township, 2 from Elizabeth township, and 3 from Manheim township. There were listed 9 visitors from other districts.]
[At 9 A.M. the program began with devotional exercises. The minutes from the last institute were read. Papers were read with discussions about the subject following. Addresses, essays were interspersed with recitations, and musical performances. A collection was taken to meet the expenses of the institute.
Persons were appointed to a committee on resolutions who later in the program presented the following resolution among which was the suggestions that the board of directors require the attendance of their teachers; that half the school expenditures should be met by state appropriations; the minimum length of the school term should be seven months.
The state appropriation for all the district schools in Pennsylvania had been increased to $5,000,000 and suggestions were made as to how best the additional money might be spent. Free text books and school room equipment such as maps charts, &c, paid directors’ board and directors’ institute, longer school terms with accordingly higher teachers pay,]
It was after five o’clock when the institute adjourned.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 13, 1891
PEPPER AND SALT – Lancaster county will receive $148,655.11 from the state for school purposes, an increase of $89,193. By this increase Lititz will be entitled to $1,476.35, while its former quota was $590.54. Warwick gets $3,001.10, where it formerly got $1,244.00
The Lancaster “Inquirer’s” Institute Supplement, issued last week, was again a welcome visitor to our sanctum. It is an excellent ready reference sheet, brimful of valuable school information and should be in the hands of every teacher.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 20, 1891
Neighborhood News – A monthly publication in the interest of the Lancaster county teachers’ institute, to be known as the Lancaster County School Days, is to be issued eight months in the year. A.U. Lesher, Rapho, and A.E. Gehman, Lititz, were elected editors.
COMPULSORY EDUCATION – The teachers’ institute of Lancaster county at its recent session resolved that the establishment of compulsory education was desirable. At the last meeting of the Legislature a bill was passed to effect this. The governor in his veto message advanced strong reasons for withholding his approval of the measure.
An Upset – Teacher Henry Gibble, in starting to drive away from the Brunnerville school on Tuesday afternoon, his horse shied at umbrellas carried by the school children, and made such a short turn that he upset the conveyance, spilled the teacher out and broke the shafts. Mr. Gibble was somewhat hurt in one of his knees.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 27, 1891
A NOVEMBER STORM – At the Kissel Hill school house there was almost a panic. The roof was partly raised and the brick walls moved out of position. The children were almost scared out of their wits. The walls had to propped up since then and the building consequently is unsafe. Had there been a little more storm the structure would have been demolished and no doubt loss of life followed. It is said there are other school houses in the township unsafe, which may some day be storm struck, and if there is loss of life the school directors will be held responsible.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, December 4, 1891
A Column of Chips – The Warwick school board met at Warwick House last Saturday and paid the teachers for the month of November.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, December 25, 1891
CHRISTMAS CHAT – J.W.G. Hershey, teacher of Huber’s school, was presented with an office chair by his pupils on Wednesday as a Christmas gift