The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, January 18, 1895
DISTRICT INSTITUTE – The Public School Teachers of this locality in Session to Discuss Topics for their Mutual Benefit. – The tenth annual session of the Lititz District Institute, including Lititz borough, Warwick, Elizabeth and Manheim townships was held in Lititz last Saturday.
The meeting was called to order by the president, U.G. Fry. Miss Kate Wertz presided at the organ, and H.J. Taylor accompanied with the cornet in singing. Rev. J.W.Woehrle led in the devotional exercises.
[A lengthy description of the materials covered by speeches, recitations, addresses, and discussions follow. There were eight teachers from Lititz borough, six teachers from Manheim township, twelve teachers from Warwick township, but no teachers from Elizabeth township in attendance. This was a total of 26 teachers out of 46 in the district that participated. There were three teachers from outside the district who attended the institute.]
The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Institute be tendered to County Superintendent J.M. Brecht and Prof. I.R. Bryner for the able and instructive addresses with which they have favored us; to the directors for assistance in the discussions; to Rev. Woehrle and Rev. Semmel for conducting the devotional exercises; to the directors of Lititz borough for the use of the school house; and to all others who have contributed to making this institute a success.
- Alice H. Bricker
- H.J. Taylor
- D.W. Dietrich
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, February 15, 1895
Rothsville News – On Friday the Upper Rothsville school house caught fire between the ceiling and the floor. The Rothsville Hook and Ladder Company was called out and soon had the fire under their control. The company was composed of the boys going to this school.
Lexington News – Miss Mary Erb’s Union school was closed on Friday morning on account of the snow, but opened in the afternoon with an attendance of eight pupils.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 15, 1895
Lexington News – Miss Elizabeth Bricker will close the Lexington school on Wednesday, March 20.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, March 22, 1895
LOCAL GOSSIP – The Rome public school taught by Prof. J.B. Haig, closed on Wednesday.
Lexington News – The Union school closed on Wednesday with a very interesting program, consisting of dialogues, recitations, debates, etc. There were thirty-nine visitors present. Miss Mamie Erb, the teachers, gave a very pretty recitation, and Henry R. Brackbill delivered an address.
School Entertainment – The pupils of the Kissel Hill public school and aid society, J.J. Biemesderfer, teacher, will give an entertainment on Saturday evening, March 23. The program will consist of dialogues, recitations, tableaux, dramas, pantomimes and music. The exercises begin at 7 o’clock. An admission fee of ten cents will be charged. Everybody is invited to come. This school gave a similar entertainment a year ago and was greeted by a crowded house. The entertainment was worth patronizing and as much if not more is promised this year.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, April 4, 1895
Teachers’ Examination – County Superintendent Brecht has issued his annual circular of directions for the examinations of applicants for teachers’ certificates. The examination will begin at 9 a.m.
For Primary Teachers Only – District North and West, April 19.
Beginners – May 19, Lititz and Ephrata-Shoeneck section, Lancaster.
Professional Grades –
- May 17, Mt. Joy township and Mt. Joy Borough, Mt. Joy.
- June 4, Ephrata township and Ephrata Borough, Ephrata.
- June 6, Rapho township, Sporting Hill.
- June 16, Manheim township, Neffisville.
- June 21, Penn township and Manheim borough, Manheim.
- June 24, Warwick township and Lititz Borough, Lititz.
- June 25, Elizabeth township, Brickerville.
- June 26, Clay township, Clay.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, May 17, 1895
PEPPER AND SALT – A bill has been introduced in the legislature to make it compulsory to read the Bible in the public school. It would be interesting to know how many of the legislators who are fathering the bill are Bible readers themselves. It makes one feel tired to hear a fellow shout for the Bible and religion who is never seen inside a church door only as a funeral.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, May 31, 1895
All Must go to School – Pennsylvania now has a compulsory school law for the first time in its history. Governor Hastings signed the Farr Educational bill, and the millions school children of the State will soon experience its effects.
The Governor gave the following for his approval of the bill: “By giving approval to this measure there will appear upon our statue books for the first time in the history of the Commonwealth a compulsory educational law. The General Assembly in the sessions of 1891 and 1893 passed a compulsory educational act somewhat similar to the present measure each of which met with Executive disapproval. There appears to be throughout the Commonwealth a general desire for such a law. I have not received a single protest from any citizen against this bill so far as I can recall.
The unanimity with which it was passed by the Legislature as well as the large number of requests made upon me to sign it clearly indicate the general desire on the part of the people for a compulsory educational law.
“Under these conditions I am convinced that I should not obtrude any individual judgment which I may have on the question of public policy. This measure provides for compulsory education in perhaps the least objectionable form to those who oppose it on principle, and affords as little against the personal rights of the citizen as possible. I, therefore, approve the bill; but if by experience, the expectations of the people are not realized, future legislation doubtless will their demands.”
FEATURES OF THE NEW BILL. The new law requires that every child in the Commonwealth between the ages of eight and thirteen years shall attend for at least sixteen weeks in each year a school in which the common English branches are taught. Only such children shall be exempted from these provisions as are certified by parents or guardians to be mentally or physically incapacitated, or who live two miles from a public school or who are being otherwise instructed in the common branches and are so certified by the principal of a school.
A fine of $2 is provided for the first offense of anyone against the law, and $5 for each succeeding offense. An appeal to the Court of Quarter Sessions is allowed to the negligent parents or guardians. Boards of directors or Controllers are authorized to appoint truant officers to better enforce attendance at school.
A census of the school children in every voting district must be taken by the district assessor at the same
time that the annual assessment is made, and certified to the secretary of the district School Board. Each teacher is required to report to the School Board secretary monthly the names of all children who have been absent without satisfactory reason for five successive days.
The School Board Secretary must then proceed against the parents of guardians of the child. A plea of poverty, made by the parent or guardian, if sustained by the evidence, is expressly declared a sufficient excuse for non compliance with the act, and in such case the cost of prosecution is to be paid the School Board.
The failure of any School Board Secretary to comply with the provisions of the law is declared a misdemeanor, and he is liable to a fine not exceeding $25.
The Lititz Record, Friday, Morning, June 21, 1895
DOINGS AROUND HERE – On Monday next Prof. Brecht will examine applicants for schools for Lititz and Warwick at this place. In the afternoon the Warwick school board will elect its teachers.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, June 28, 1895
TESTING TEACHERS – The annual teachers’ examination for Lititz borough and Warwick township was held in the High School building on Monday.
Nine applicants presented themselves to pass the ordeal. Three gentlemen and five ladies were successful in obtaining a license to teach the coming school term.
A number of citizens interested in education, teachers, and book agents were present.
Warwick Township Teachers – The following teachers were appointed for Warwick Township:
- Warwick No. 1 J.W.G. Hershey
- Warwick No. 2 D.W. Dietrich
- Huber’s Vacant
- Rome J.B. Haag
- Lexington Elizabeth Bricker
- Union E.E. Habecker
- Pine Hill J.N. Mohn
- Sunnyside Laura E. Buch
- Millport W.S. Stauffer
- Pleasant View G.R. Pfautz
- Upper Rothsville J.F. Ruth
- Lower Rothsville A.N. Stauter
- Millway Daniel Erb
- Buch’s Thomas L. Evans
- Kissel Hill J.J. Biemesderfer
- Fairview N.E. Reist
- Brunnerville J.M. Reighter
- School term begins Monday September 16. Teachers and directors will meet at the Warwick House, Saturday, September 14, to sign agreement.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, July 19, 1895
JULY JOTTINGS – Miss Yundt of York has been elected to teach Huber’s school in Warwick township.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 6, 1895
OUR VARIETY COLUMN – The public school of Warwick and many other townships will open for the term on Monday, September 16.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 13, 1895
School Rooms Denied to Churches – At a meeting of the Lancaster school board the permission given to a number of denominations, all Protestant, to hold meetings in public school buildings, was re-called. This action was taken in accordance with the supreme court’s decision in the Gallitzin teachers’ garb case, which holds that school property cannot be used for religious perposes. Some of the school rooms have been used for years for Sunday-schools.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, September 20, 1895
Brunnerville News – Our village school opened on Monday, J.M. Reighter, teachers. Sixty pupils were enrolled and the probabilities are that the number will swell to eighty. We need another school-house and I hope the time is not far distant when our intelligent board of directors will make this necessary addition, thereby doing justice to the teacher and also to the pupils.
The Union School, taught by Elam Habecker, opened on Monday with thirty-four scholars.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, October 25, 1895
Lexington News – The Union school, E.E. Habecker, teacher, was out walking last Friday afternoon. They passed the time in the woods and along the Hammer creek.
Rothsville Ramblings – Our schools are overcrowded.
The Lititz Record, Friday Morning, November 15, 1895
Teachers’ Institute – The forty-fourth annual session of the Lancaster County Teachers’ Institute opened Monday in the Court House with a large attendance.
The institute organized by electing Professor M.J. Brecht, county superintendent, president, and A.R. Stamy, secretary, after which Rev. Clarence E. Eberman, of the Moravian church, delivered the annual opening address. He was followed in a talk by Dr. George W. Hull, on “Elementary Results;” by State Superintendent Schaeffer on “Essentials of the School Curriculum,” and by Professor E.L. Kemp on “Local Geography.”
The attendance at Tuesday’s session of the Institute was very large. There are 704 teachers registered and the sessions were also attended by a large number of persons interested in education from all parts of the county.
The first address was by Miss McMallan, who advocated the Pollard system of reading and spelling. She was followed by Prof. E.L. Kenny with a talk on “Trees,” illustrated with cards. Dr. S.H. Albo, principal of the Mansfield Normal School, spoke on “School Ecnonmy,” and Dr. Chas. DeGarmo, president of Swarthmore College, closed the morning session with an interesting talk on “The Chief Elements of a Good Method.”
At the afternoon’s session Dr. Geo. W. Hull spoke on “The Successful Teacher,” President DeGarmo gave another interesting talk on “How Study May Help to Develop Character,” Dr. G.M.D. Eckels spoke on “Applied Psychology” and Prof. Kemp on “Birds,” being a continuation of his nature studies.