The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, May 17, 1928
ROTHSVILLE COMMENCEMENT TOMORROW EVENING, MAY 18 – Dr. A.B. VanOrmer, head of the Department of Philosophy at Juniata College, Huntingdon, will be the speaker at the commencement exercises of the Rothsville High School this Friday evening, May 18. Following is the program which will be given at 7:39 o‟clock.
Selections by the High School Orchestra; Invocation by Rev. H.F. Miller, Salutatory Oration by Eva M. Behmer; Third Honor Oration, by Myron E. Roth; Mixed Chorus, Class of „28; Address to class, Dr. A.B. VanOrmer; Presentation of Diplomas by the Principal, F.F. Bailey; Benediction, Rev. H.F. Miller; Selection by the High School Orchestra.
The class roll includes: John C. Adams, Eva M. Behmer, Clarence K. Binkley, Sarah S. Bowman, Carl W. Brubaker, Omar W. Brubaker, Eva M. Bushong, Lillian A. Carpenter, Wilmer G. Conrad, Mary L. Fasnacht, Minerva M. Groff, Henry H. Hackman, Lavern A. Hertzler, Esther A. Huber, Alverta H. Kissinger, Clarence W. Leeking, Alvin S. Mease, Albert K. Mellinger, Lester G. Mumma, Louise W. Pfautz, Myron E. Ruth, Ira G. Weaver.