Online registration will be available for everyone beginning Tuesday, September 3 at 9:00 am.
Register using the calendar on the Lititz Library’s website.
You may need to select Lititz Public Library and confirm selection.
To find a class, filter based on child’s age (babies, toddlers, or children for preschoolers). Click apply.
Click one preferred class day/time to register for the 10 week session.
Register using child’s name and information followed by caregiver name.
You will get a confirmation email. If you need to delete your registration you can click on a link in the confirmation email.
Waiting lists will be available
Once a class is filled a waiting list will appear under that registration.
Please fill out a waiting list for every storytime day/time you are willing to attend.
If registration help is needed, please call the library (717-626-2255)