The Lititz Express, Friday Morning, June 4, 1915
Warwick Township Teachers Are Appointed – The School Board of Warwick Township met at the Warwick House on Friday afternoon and organized by electing Harry S. Binkley president, Abner Risser Secretary and Dr. H. Walter treasurer. The fourth member of the Board is A.B. Oberholtzer. C.B. Risser cannon serve, as Warwick, in which he resides has been incorporated into the Borough of Lititz since he was elected. Therefore the Board has only four members.
- The Board made the following appointments:
- Brunnerville Secondary Francis Lefevre
- Brunnerville Primary Pauline Hess
- Union Hettie Hess Lexington
- Vacant Buch‟s Vacant
- Huber‟s Alvin Weaver
- Fairview H.G. Minnich
- Kissel Hill Howard Studenroth
- Owl Hill Vacant Millport
- Charles Zook Millway
- Chester Adams
- Lookout Carrie Hess
- Rothsville Primary Emma Warfel
- Secondary Lizzie Martin
- Intermediate Blanche Smith
- Grammar Joseph Mohn
- Assistant Principal Vacant High School Supervising Principal Arthur Mylin Rome Vacant
The Lititz Record, Thursday, June 4, 1915 Warwick
Public School Teachers Elected – The Warwick township school board met at the Warwick House last Friday and organized by electing Harry S. Binkely, president; Abner Risser, secretary; and Dr. H. Walter, treasurer. The fourth member of the board is A.B. Oberholtzer. C.B. Risser cannot serve as he now resided in the borough of Lititz into which Warwick was incorporated since he was elected.
The board elected the following teachers for the coming term:
- Brunnerville Primary Pauline Hess
- Brunnerville Secondary Frances Lefevre
- Lexington Union Hettie Hess
- Buch‟s Vacant
- Huber‟s Alvin Weaver
- Fairview H.G. Minnich
- Kissel Hill H.E. Studenroth
- Owl Hill Vacant
- Lexington Vacant
- Millport Charles Zook
- Millway Chester Adams
- Pine Hill Carrie Hess
- Rothsville Primary Anna Warfel
- Secondary Elizabeth Martin
- Intermediate Blanche Smith
- Grammar Jos. N. Mohn Ass‟t High Vacant Principal and Township Sup‟t. Arthur Mylin.
The board agreed upon a tax rate of 3 ½ mills. Schools will open Monday, August 30. An addition to the High School building will be erected this summer
The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, August 5, 1915
Township Will Convey Pupils to High School – The secretary of the Warwick township school board announces in an advertisement in another column of this issue that he is ready to receive sealed proposals or bids for conveying pupils from various parts of the township to and from the Rothsville High School during the coming term, which opens August 31. This will be the first year although it has been done at some places for several years. By conveying the more advanced pupils to the high school it enables to better grade the pupils in the outlying districts, which facilitates the work of teaching to the advantage of the pupils.
Proposals Invited – Sealed proposals or bids will be received by the Secretary of the Warwick Township school Board for conveying pupils to and from the Rothsville High School the coming School term beginning August 31, 1915, for a term of seven months, specifications as to route, number of pupils, etc. can be obtained by calling on the undersigned, Secretary of said Board. All bids must be handed in not later than August 14, 1915.
The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all of the bids. Abner B. Risser Sec. Warwick Twp. School Board
The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, August 5, 1915
SMALL FARM FOR SALE – For Sale a small farm of eight acres and 48 perches of land situated at Pine Hill, Warwick township. For further information call on or phone on Bell line. Amos Metzler (Amos Metzler bought both the Pine Hill Lookout school and the Union school in Lexington at public sale on Jan. 19, 1924.)
The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, August 26, 1915
Enrollment of Warwick Pupils – Since Lititz borough has extended its limits, it will be necessary to arrange for the enrollment of pupils lying within the said limits. On Aug. 30th, the day of the opening of the public schools, the pupils who were promoted to the Middler [as written] and Junior classes of the Warwick High School will present themselves for enrollment at the Lititz High School; all other Warwick pupils at the Warwick school buildings. Pupils who attended other schools in Warwick township and are now within the limits of the borough, will present themselves at the Lititz High School, where they will be examined and placed in the grades for which they are qualified. All pupils must present report cards or certificates of last year‟s work and vaccination slips. Children who become 6 years of age before December 31 should enter school at the beginning of the term; while those who become 6 years of age after December 31 should begin school after the Christmas-New Year holidays. Anna K. Miller, Prin.
The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, September 2, 1915
Children Again Going to School – The Schools of Warwick township also opened on Monday. Owing to what was the Warwick High School now being in the borough, there is but one High School in the township, namely, the one at Rothsville, of which Harvey J. Rodgers is the principal. Warwick township is conveying the pupils who attend the High School and reside in the section which formerly attended the Warwick High School. Emanuel Stoner, of Lexington, has the route including Brunnerville and Lexington, and each morning takes 14 pupils to Rothsville, bringing them home after school. F.M. Bowman, Rothsville, has the route over Kissel Hill and has about 14 pupils (to) convey. he number of pupils and their instructors at Rothsville is as follows:
- High 36 Prof. Rodgers, Principal Miss Marie McColand, Assistant
- Grammar 35 Joseph Mohn
- Intermediate 34 Miss Blanche Smith
- Secondary 30 Miss Elizabeth Martin
- Primary 50 Miss Emma Warfel
Conditions are somewhat crowded at the Rothsville schools but the School board is already making preparations to alleviate this condition. Work has been started on a two-story addition to the school building, which will be about 40 by 48 feet in size. Other alterations will also be made, and when completed there will be ample room for all pupils.
The Lititz Record, Thursday Morning, October 7, 1915
Slippery State Road – This article has to do with the Upper Rothsville school building as to when it was used by road builders and a fire subsequently destroyed it. Reference is made to the road finish of the state road starting at the crossroads at J.C. Brubakers dairy farm and running through Rothsville to near Brownstown becoming so slippery when it rained that horses would fall in trying to get over it. This was the case just after it was built and it was hoped that it would improve with time. This did not happen and many used other roads to reach their destination.
The Lititz Record, Thursday, November 18, 1915
Sold by the Sheriff – The following seized as the property of S.S. Shober.
- No. 1 – Property known as the Rothsville Station property, consisting of station, large warehouse, coal chutes, coal and lumber yard, frame dwelling house, etc.
- No. 2 – A tract of 21 acres, 3 and 8/10 perches of land, situated near the P. & R. station in Rothsville.
- No. 3 – A tract of 48 and one-half perches of land, on the road leading from Brunnerville to Rothsville. The three properties were sold to H.B. Lutz for $3,000. (NOTE: No. 3 is the property where the old school house known as Upper Rothsville School was located.)