
Checkout Policies

Books/Audiobooks—2 weeks unless otherwise stated on book spine or audiobook box. There is no limit on the number that may be borrowed

Music CDs—2 week checkout. There is no limit on the number that may be borrowed.

DVDs/Blu-Rays—1 week checkout. There is no limit on the number that may be borrowed. (Borrowers must be at least 18 years of age and present a valid adult library card in order to borrow a Blu-Ray or DVD.)

Books/Audiobooks and CDs may be renewed twice if they are not on reserve, via phone or in person. Videos can be renewed once.


Late fees are charged for materials that are not returned to the library by the due date.


Children and Young Adult Materials—fine free

Adult Books and Audiobooks—$.30/day up to $5.00

Adult Music CDs—$.30/day up to $5.00

DVDs/Blu-Rays—$1.00/day up to $5.00

An after hours book return is located to the right (when entering) of the main entrance. Fines are not charged if the materials are returned to the book return before 9 AM on the day after the due date.

Library materials may be returned to any public library in Lancaster County.

Library materials may be renewed by phone during library hours (717-626-2255) or online 24/7.

Patrons who provide their email address will receive courtesy reminders a day or two before materials are due.