It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce that the Lititz Public Library will be opening our doors to patrons to come into the library and browse the collection beginning Monday, March 15th. There will be capacity limits, so we encourage spending only as much time as necessary in the building. Despite the improvements that we continue to see with regards to COVID, we must remain cautious in our return activities in the library.
Important things to note:
• Masks, properly worn, are required for entrance. Masks must remain on during the time in the building.
• Patrons will enter and exit through the main door – please respect one another’s space in maintaining a safe physical distance.
• We are NOT accepting book, magazine, or puzzle donations at this time.
• Computers are available.
• Return books and DVDs to bins, not staff. Special equipment (such as ILL, hotspots, telescopes, or computers) must be returned to desk staff.
The goal as we work towards a return to library use as we once knew it is to provide patron access to our physical collection. As much as we enjoy the “library as place,” that is not the priority at this stage of reopening, so there will be limited seating.
As stated on previous occasions, the better we follow these guidelines the quicker we can move to increased access and services. This service model is designed to allow our community to access our collection, pick up holds, and check out materials as we were doing before the November reduction in physical access. As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding.