Books and Films for Jane Austen Fans

Download a printable brochure here!


EligableEmma: A Modern RetellingFirst Comes loveThe Independence of Mary BennetJane in loveThe Jane Austen book club
The Jane Austen SocietyLongbournMiss AustenThe Other Bennet SisterPride and Prejudice and MistletoeSearching for Pemberley
Unleashing Mr. DarcyUnmarriageableDeath Comes to PemberleyDeath & SensibilityJane and the year Without SummerThe Murder of Mr. Wickham
Pride, Prejudice, PerilAmong the Janeites: A Journey Through the World of Jane Austen Fandom Austentatious: The Evolving World of Jane Austen Fans Camp Austen: My Life as an Accidental Jane Austen Superfan Emma, Mr. Knightley and Chili-Slaw Dogs First Impressions
Jane of Austin: A Novel of Sweet Tea and Sensibility Just JaneLizzy & JanePride and Prejudice and Kitties: A Cat-Lover’s Romp Through Jane Austen’s Classic A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter Jane Austen's Table
The Jane Austen Writers' clubJane Austen's Guide to DatingAusten CountryThe Writer's GardenJane Austen's EnglandJane Austen's Country Life
The real Jane AustenSearching for Jane AustenSense and SenisibilityPride and PrejudiceMansfield ParkEmma
PersuasionNorthanger AbbeyGodmersham Park


We have serveral versions available for most of the Jane Austen film adaptations!

Price & PrejudiceSense and SensibilityEmmaPersuasionSanditonAustenland
Becoming JaneBride & PrejudiceThe Jane Austen book clubLost in AustenLove & FriendshipPride, Prejudice, & Zombies
Unleashing Mr. Darcy

Young Adult Books

Jane Austen: A life RevealedDangerous AllianceDebating DarcyOrdinary GirlsPride and Premeditation