Community Read along with “One School, One Book” program

The premise of the One School, One Book program is to get families involved with student reading. Programs that engage families in supporting their children’s learning at home are linked to higher student achievement. Benefits include higher grade point averages, improved attendance, and better social skills and adaptation to school. In short, children with strong family involvement stay in school longer, perform better, and enjoy it more. 


All students, from Kindergarten to 5th (or 6th grade), will spend between two and four weeks reading the same title, on the provided reading schedule with their families. Families will be encouraged to read at least 15 minutes a night.
From the 15 minutes of nightly reading, students are more likely to have:


  • A positive attitude and desire to read 
  • An increased vocabulary (for speaking, reading, and writing) 
  • A reading role model 
  • A positive bond with caregivers 


As students get older, reading aloud often stops in the home. However, there is value in reading aloud to all children from lower to intermediate grades. When younger students (in grades K-2) are read to, they are exposed to new and expansive stories, topics, vocabulary, and characters. When intermediate students (grades 3-5 or 6) are read to, they are exposed to the rules of grammar, structures of writing, and complex stories to improve reading. For all grades, students who are read aloud to are constantly improving their literacy skills. One School, One Book will surround students with a culture of literacy. By having families, teachers, school faculty, and administration participate in reading together, the importance of literacy is exhibited. Through reading together, students gain a positive influence of reading and books, making it more likely for students to continue their literacy journey and keep their skills proficient.

Lititz Public Library is expanding on this by offering copies of a Young Adult novel (Where You See Yourself) and an Adult non-fiction book (Sitting Pretty) for the community at large to read during the month of March. In April, we will host two community events (Monday, April 8th and Saturday, April 20th) to discuss the broader themes of the books as well as their general experiences in reading as a community..