What We Do
We offer more than 550 story times and children’s programs with over 10,000 attending. We held 900 events with almost 20,000 people attending to learn about topics as diverse as Astrology 101, Wine Tasting, Yoga and Tai Chi classes. More than 43,000 e-books were “checked out” in 2023.
Our communities (Lititz Borough, Warwick and Elizabeth Townships) used over 500,000 items in 2023. Our story walks at the library and through downtown Lititz engaged more than 800 people and 37 downtown businesses. The Lititz Public Library—your community library—continued to be a key resource for many of the 32,388 residents in Lititz Borough, Warwick and Elizabeth Townships.
A Leader Nationally
Among 44 peer institutions across the country (comparable population and revenue) your Lititz Public Library ranks:
1st in checkouts (both total and children’s materials)
3rd in electronic checkouts, such as Libby and Hoopla materials.
2nd in program attendance (25 people per event)
1st in total visits
How You Can Help
As you are likely aware, government funding of libraries has declined over the past decade putting even more importance on our fundraising efforts.
Over 63% of our funding comes from local businesses and caring community members like you!
It is through individual donations and planned giving that we are able to continue to provide the programs and services you’ve come to expect from Lititz Public Library.
We would greatly appreciate if you would consider supporting the Lititz Public Library.
If you’re unable to donate at this time, you can advocate for us by sharing our mission with a family member or friend, or post a quick mention or link to the library on your social media pages. It would mean the world to us.
To see everything the library has to offer, visit our website, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, or join us for an upcoming program. We hope you will join with your neighbors and friends to help support this community treasure.
Donate via PayPal
Give by Mail
Send your one-time or monthly donation to:
Lititz Public Library
651 Kissel Hill Road
Lititz, PA 17543